With all kinds of fashionable bags and handbags in the market, few of us still prefer using a duffle bag. The truth is everyone who purchases all those fashionable ones will need to use a duffle bag even for once in a lifetime. Stylish bags and handbags are quite attractive, yes; but they won’t allow you to carry a significant load on them. Today we are going to look at how to purchase your heavy duty duffle bag and things to consider before buying it.

Why a duffle bag?

As I mentioned before with all kinds of bags and handbags available in the market; why would you need to buy a heavy duty duffle bag? The following are some good reasons as to why someone should buy a duffle.

More space

A heavy duty duffle bag grants you more space than any other pack that you will buy. You can easily pack all your stuff in one pack and set off to travel. With a duffle bag, you will not need to carry extra backpacks or bags since it has enough space to hold all your things.

Not much complicated

Many packs come with a lot of compartments and pockets where you will have your stuff everywhere when looking for them. Sometimes you will have to open every single compartment when you need something, which is more likely to happen. A duffle saves you from such situations as they don’t come with so many pockets and compartments.

A huge variety

Duffle bags come in a vast variety where you can choose one to match your needs. There are ones with different designs, different features but all duffle bags look alike.

Is this your first time that you are planning to buy a duffle? Are you confused about buying the best duffle bag for you? Well, don’t worry anymore, below are some things you should consider before purchasing your heavy duty duffle bag. Let us go through them one by one.

The volume

You will probably have an idea about the things that you are going to carry in your duffle. You can decide the volume that will suit you after determining the things that you are going to carry in it. Most travelers try to limit their luggage up to 50 liters while some travelers prefer going up to 70 or 90 liters. If you have more stuff to carry then don’t try to buy a 50-liter pack and dump everything into it.

Pockets and Compartments

A duffle doesn’t have many pockets and compartments, unlike the other bags and backpacks that you will come across when looking at the market. I prefer to have quick access pockets in my duffle where I can quickly grab a map, my passport or any other document with less effort. Quite a few mesh pockets on the sides are used to have stuff in sight.

Packing and Unpacking

Packing and unpacking should be easy to manage without putting much effort on it. Zippers should open up well revealing the interior of the pack. You must be able to reach down to the entire bag and utilize the space in an organized way. See that the zipper closes fully without having to make less attempt, once you finish packing your duffle bag.


A quality pack will always ensure that it is more durable to last for a good number of years. The material of the pack plays the primary role when we are considering the durability. In that case, a leather duffle bag is more durable than a canvas duffle bag. Leather bags are good against wear and tear as well as they are waterproof, unlike the canvas duffle bags. Well, none of us like to get our stuff soaked after a downpour. Invest in a quality backpack once, and it will save you from purchasing two or three backpacks within a shorter period.


Remember to look for the weight of the empty pack. If you are a woman, it is better to go for a lighter duffle bag than men’s. The duffle is going to be somewhat heavy after you load it with your stuff, so therefore don’t buy a heavy bag which will add more weight once you pack it. Another thing which will grab your attention in that many airlines is now strict on limiting the weight of your pack to 50 pounds per pack.

Methods of carrying

There are duffle bags with shoulder straps, carry-on handles as well as wheels. So here is the good news, you can carry your duffle in many ways where you can decide which is the best way to suit you. You can use the shoulder strap when the pack is not that heavy or half-loaded. You can carry it on your hands if it is too much of a burden on your shoulders. Duffle bags with wheels are quite awesome where you can quickly push and pull them while you are at the airport. We must not forget about the handles which help you to hold and lift the pack when necessary.

I always advise to try on your new bag at the store before purchasing it. We are used to fit-on our new clothes when buying them at a store, so let us apply the same thing when purchasing a new backpack. It is always better to check how comfortable you are with your new pack before you are buying it for a lifetime. It is still better to know what you are buying and hope that you got some ideas about choosing the best heavy duty duffle bag for traveling.